Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Secrets to a Successful Relationship - Part 1 - Communication

I'm not about to shatter anyone's world here with brand new information, but there are some definite "secrets" to a successful relationship. The first one should come as no surprise to you, but it is quite simply....


That's right, effective communication is the biggest and most important secret to any successful relationship. And I'm not just talking about dating or marriage, but ANY RELATIONSHIP! An open line of communication between all parties in a relationship is key to its success and logevity.

You Aceon 30 pills at 4 mg - click here! be asking what effective communication is. I'm not just talking about mindless banter about how your day was (although a bit of that is important). I'm talking about about open communication about the things that are on your mind, even the things that have no direct bearing on the relationship itself. You and your partner should set aside time to just talk, about anything, everything, nothing, whatever feelings you're having at that time. Partners should also talk freely to each other about major AND minor decisions, such as where to live, what types of jobs they will have, what activities the kids (if any) will be involved, how the kids are being raised, etc.

Is there something that's been bothering you about your partner? Do NOT let it linger, simmer, and stew inside you. Talk to your partner about it, and don't wait until it has gnawed at you so long that when you finally get the nerve up to talk about it, you are so angry that a fight starts immediately.

Likewise, if you think of a complimentary thing to say about your mate, don't wait until a special time to say it. If he/she looks particularly nice that day, tell them, NOW. If you find yourself daydreaming about their eyes (or even other features), TELL THEM.

Effective and open communication needs to be donate cars to charity in all aspects of a relationship. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before one or the other (or both) parties in the relationship let something build up inside them, and misunderstandings almost always lead to some sort of unpleasantness, perhaps even the dissolution of the relationship.

So, whatever it is that's on your mind, talk to your partner. Even things that are unpleasant can be made less so (most of the time) by talking about it, rather than letting it linger.

Check back on Monday for the next "Big Secret" to a successful relationship.

Will birth control is the Webmaster for Premier Dating Online, a valuable source for Online Dating Tips, Relationship Advice, and Dating Service vehicle donation programs As an active member of the Online Dating Community, as life insurance quote as the Online Social Networking Community in general, Will offers a street-level perspective into online relationships, online etiquette, and human relationships in general.

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