Friday, May 2, 2008

Is Your Website Egotistical?

Do you look at your website as a work of art? Is your site all about you and what a great product or service you have? Have you ever wondered if your website keeps visitors attention? Or does it leave them searching for more answers and frustrated?

Just like that annoying person you get stuck sitting next to at a social event marijuana test will not stop talking about themselves, so your website can be. Nothing is more frustrating than to go to someone's website looking for answers only to find a whole sight of bragging and pompous writing. Online traffic has an attention Land of the Lost of a few seconds, they do not have time to read word for word of what you have written. They take a quick gander and move on to Massachusetts Lemon Laws next site. So if your desire is to attract clients, then you need to grab and hold onto their attention.

A great way to give your site the Narcissistic test is to go to your site pretending to be a visitor. Have a list of five questions related to your product prepared. Spend only one minute on your sight, scanning is quickly, then close the browser. Now Collective Unconscious yourself how many of your questions were answered in that one minute. Did the site get to the heart of your concerns? Did you feel like you left feeling better informed, or was the site focused on itself? By putting yourself in your clients shoes, you can find out what needs to be changed on your site, as well as what needs to stay exactly the same.

After running this private test, try testing your sight out on actual clients. Research their needs and desires about your product . By discovering their most important problems they are going to your site to for help. With the information you gather tweak your site to accommodate your clients.

It is your decision as to if you will design a site to stroke your own ego, and boast about the great wonders of your product, or will you create a site that aids and gives answers to the visitors. Let the discount meridia of your website be the boasting you will ever have to do. By the success of your site, others will know how great it really is. Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more... Here To Discover More About Jason Pearson