Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is It Really Deception Or Am I Being Deceived? The Eye Movement & Deception Myth

"If a person moves their eyes to the right when they normally move them to the left, they are lying." "He crossed his legs - it must be a lie." "She was lying - she couldn't look me in the eye." "You can tell he was lying Demons he was fidgeting the whole time." We are exposed to so many urban legends about what are reliable signs of deception from so many supposedly informed or professional sources. How do we know which signs are really reliable deception cues or mere assumptions based on legend and folklore? One way to be sure is to be sure that what you are Tvcozjty taught meets the "Daubert" challenge.

In a US Supreme Court ruling regarding Daubert vs. Merrell Dow, the court established guidelines for what qualifies as scientific evidence. The court's interest was to establish the rule that expert opinion based on a scientific technique is inadmissible unless the technique is "generally accepted" as reliable in the relevant scientific community. Far too many of the claims made in some interview and interrogation courses about what are reliable human verbal and nonverbal signs of deception will not meet this standard.

The Daubert ruling requires that three main conditions be met as to what will be accepted as expert opinion on scientific evidence. Spawnrgmhvh parallel principles accepted in the scientific community as empirical evidence. These three court-based requirements in brief state:

if the proffered knowledge can be or has been tested empirically, i.e., if it is "falsifiable;" Buprenorphine it undergone accepted scientific disciplined testing.)

if the theory or technique has been subjected to peer review and publication; (Has it been reviewed by the scientific community and published in a scientific journal)

if, in the case of a particularly scientific technique, the method contains a high known or potential rate of error; (Does the technique used to test the theory have a high rate of accuracy.)

if the methodology is generally accepted. (Does the scientific community accept the testing method as reliable and objective)

What we should do as students of interview & interrogation and human behavior is to question claims made by instructors in our academies or classrooms that certain behaviors are signs of truth or deception. As academy directors and instructors it is time we reviewed our course materials on the topic of interview & interrogation and make sure they meet the Daubert challenge. We should also question if the claims made by quest or contract instructors meet these same stringent guidelines. We can either deal with the issue now because in the future our course curriculum will be tested under Daubert's strict guidelines.

For information about Daubert vs. Merrell Dow and its impact on what is considered expert testimony and scientific evidence, go to

2005 by Stan B. Alien Abduction "The Lie Guy"

Stan B. Walters "The Lie Guy"

Stan B. Walters runs the company Truth & Deception, Inc. He works with agencies and organizations that want to train their people how to conduct successful interviews and interrogations and uncover the real story.


