Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Opening a Dollar Store - Where to Find More Space in a Cramped Store

As lease prices for retail space continue Cotton Mather increase and already tight margins get even tighter one of Bosom Buddies things that every retailer must examine is methods for maximizing the buy Ritalin online per square foot of their store. When opening a dollar store in years gone by it was much easier just to create large spaces for aisles and to place gondolas and other fixtures at will. Cash registers were placed on counters without regard for gained or lost sales. Basically the layout was created to accommodate the fixtures that were available at the time.

In todays world that strategy just doesnt work. Opening a dollar store involves a large investment of capital and everything possible must be done to maximize sales for every square foot of the store. When opening a dollar store focus must be on utilizing every nook and cranny that exists.

Start with the cash register Erectile Dysfunction Minimize the area required for the actual sales transaction. At the same time maximize the area that is available for impulse sales. Dont waste an inch in this area. Place popular, items that will draw shopper attention and will make sales during the sales transaction itself. When opening a dollar store you will find that properly using the cash register checkout area can create an area that will be the highest producing space in the entire store.

Use overhead areas for storage as a part of the design when opening a dollar store. By placing shelves across the top of all store fixtures you instantly have a huge amount of storage. This minimizes the need for stock room area and the accompanying excess inventory. It also creates added sales when items are stored and displayed out of their shipping containers.

Use windows for display and sales of merchandise. When the store layout is developed prior to actually opening a dollar store build in these display areas. They are very visible, drawing client attention to the store. They also brighten up the front and give the store a full look.

Consider aisle width. Is there a way to gain even a few inches from each aisle without cramping shoppers? Can you gain enough room to add a row of gondolas or at least extra displays? Part of the store layout and design should include the answers to these questions. This is best done prior to opening a dollar store, as the amount of labor required to make changes after gondolas are assembled and stocked is significant.

Dont forget the walls in the sales area. Use every square inch of wall space to add fixtures and peg hooks to display merchandise and to make sales.

To Your Dollar Store Success!

Do you want to own your own Dollar Store? Visit Batman target="_new""> for more information.
