Monday, April 28, 2008

Make Your Small Office-Home Office e-Green

The good news is that an e-green office is not only good for We Need a Little Christmas planet, its economical. And, when combined with a few other green tactics, it is healthier. Try some or all of the following:

1. Purchase upgradeable machines and other electronic equipment. When necessary, upgrade rather than replace. You Bloggingiiexue money and reduce consumerism.

2. Turn off electronic equipment when not in use to reduce energy by 25%. If you put everything on a power bar, you need simply to turn off one switch. Turn off your machine at night and save an additional 50%.

3. Set your machine monitor to go into sleep mode or Standby if not used for ten minutes. This reduces power to peripherals but maintains the memory so you dont lose your work. On Windows XP, use the Start menu -- Control Panel -- Display Screen Saver -- Power, then choose your settings. On a laptop, using the Hibernate function will extend the life of your batteries.

4. Recycle old equipment and machines. Many of the larger machine and electronics companies have begun offering recycling programs. If this doesnt work for your situation, find an organization that accepts recycled electronics, or contact your local government to ask where and how electronics are recycled in your area. This includes energy efficient light bulbs, which contain zinc and should not be thrown in the dump.

5. Speaking of energy efficient light bulbs, begin or continue using them. Youll save considerable energy costs. Position your desk and equipment to catch natural light from a window.

6. Use a fax modem as much as possible, rather than a fax machine. You send documents directly from the machine rather than printing them out and using paper. Bypass the cover sheet and help the recipient save paper.

7. Print and photocopy double sided documents to save paper. Use leftover scraps of paper or used envelopes for memo pads. Print out only that which you need to print out. Store the rest in machine files.

8. Communicate more by email and less Cheapmusicdownloadsyogppacrnv letters and paper memos.

9. Schedule more conference calls, video conferences and net meetings instead of face to face meetings. Youll save resources, time and money by cutting down on investment travel.

10. Look for ENERGY STAR Billrem logo before purchasing machines, monitors, photocopiers printers, fax machines scanners and multifunction devices. This logo confirms that the machine meets energy efficient standards. Ensure that the energy efficient features are activated. Some products ship from the manufacturer with the energy efficient components turned off. Ask the sales rep to show you how to activate if you are not sure how to proceed.

11. Recycle paper, cardboard packaging, toner, ink cartridges and other materials. Use high yield cartridges. Purchase earth-friendly products, including cleaning supplies, toner and office supplies.

12. Use rechargeable batteries wherever possible, rather than disposable ones. Try to stay away from disposable products as much as possible. You may pay more for a sturdier product (such as a sturdier case), but since they last longer, you save over time and cut down on waste.

Remember, everything you Chekhovwjvbgrq makes a difference. For other things you can do, run an Internet search for environmentally friendly office or green office. You will find a wealth of information.


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